SOS Pompey Pompey Delegation to Meet Premier League

SOS Pompey Pompey Delegation to Meet Premier League

Blog Article

Pre s Release:POMPEY DELEGATION TO MEET PREMIER LEAGUE BOARD THIS WEEKFollowing our pre s release dated Monday 1st February, detailing SOS Pompey plans to protest outside the Headquarters of the Premier League in response to their poor handling of the current i sues surrounding our football club, we have been invited to send a delegation to meet with the Premier League Nicolas Batum Jersey Board later this week.This is the first time a delegation of fans have been invited to Gloucester Place, and we believe a step forward in trying to bring attention to the football world, about what Lou Williams Jersey is happening to our great club.With this in mind we are asking the fantastic supporters of our club to postpone action on Wednesday 3rd of February at Premier League Headquarters, pending the outcome of this meeting.We have insisted that the Premier League Board copyright their invitation, and do not look to postpone or cancel this invitation as all delegates are working people, and will be giving up a days work to go to the meeting for the cause of the club.We believe that this could be an important step towards finding out the truth about what is happening to our great club, however this is another part of the campaign, and we Rodney McGruder Jersey fully intend to continue with planed protests before the Sunderland game, our next home fixture.SOS Pompey thanks the supporters who were going to protest peacefully on Wednesday, and ask that you trust us to attend the meeting with the Premier League Board in the name of all Portsmouth Football Club supporters
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